tassimo - starbucks africa kitamu

probably the thing i am fussiest about is coffee.  i'll eat just about any food if i am hungry enough, but i just can't get a bad cup of coffee down and a weak cup of coffee is a sin.

that's why i love my tassimo!  the smell of stale coffee is now a thing of the past!

i have always chosen a significant other partially because of their ability to make coffee in the morning.  i am just so groggy before coffee that i am not really good at anything.  my husband, who does not drink coffee, usually makes it for me, but this morning he got up late so i did have to fill the tassimo with water, insert the disk, put the mug under it, press the button, take the milk out of the fridge, pour it and put it back.

now i am almost done with my first cup of coffee, a starbucks africa kitamu t disk, and i am getting ready to make myself another one with my breakfast.


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