there really should a law . . . .

i've been thinking about this for a while, but it really hit me yesterday at the long island children's museum, they really MUST have coffee at any public place where parents bring children. how dare they charge us admission and expect me to spend the day at their children's museum, standing up, watching my kids make giant bubbles and deny me coffee!

they actually did have a coffee vending machine, but it had an "out of order" sign on it. i would like to know how long it had been broken! had the place called to have it repaired? they should have been required to post a sign in the lobby near the ticket booth "NO COFFEE." don't you think we should have been warned!

i started this blog today because i have deprived of coffee at children's events for the last six years. i don't want to drink a juicebox, caffeine free diet coke or flavored water! well, OK, i will sometimes drink the water provided, but it is not a substitute for COFFEE.

here, we will be investigating all types of providers of children's activities where parents must be present, and finding out exactly why there is no coffee! the coffee doesn't have to be complimentary, coffee drinkers can pull their own weight - it just has to available and FRESH, not some disgusting burn bottom glass carafe stinking up the place!


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